Saturday, December 13, 2014

7 Quick Takes: Advent edition, 12/13/14

--- 1 ---
I realize this should probably start with a religious post, but... the teaser for the new Star Wars movie came out!!!  A couple weeks ago, but it was released since I last wrote.  Many serious SW fans are worried that the hiring of J.J. Abrams will destroy the integrity of the franchise.  I share their fears, although I don't have the same hatred for J.J.  First, the prequels sucked.  Bad.  Can J.J. do any worse than George Lucas?  At this point, I'm choosing to answer 'no.'  Second, even if Episode 7 isn't great, it has to be fun, at least.  Kind of like J.J.'s Star Trek movies.  

--- 2 ---
Need good listening for Advent?  Try the Benedictine Sisters of Mary, Queen of Apostles.  In the glut of Christmas music, they made an album specifically for Advent, Advent at Ephesus.  It's on my iTunes.  Beautiful!  

--- 3 ---
Also on the notes of Advent, and adding in some shameless self-promotion: I've written about prefaces before, and I've written on one of the two Advent prefaces.  By the way, the preface is the prayer that immediately precedes the "Holy, Holy, Holy" at Mass.  For a longer explanation (much longer), check this out.  The prayers cover lots of ground theologically; the mysteries of our faith are packed into this joyful prayer.  Advent has two prefaces, and here's my reflection on the first one.  

There is something magical about the Christmas season!  The lights on the tree, all of the ornaments (some that have been with me my whole life), Christmas lights on the house, and the cheesy B-movies on Hallmark and Lifetime.

--- 5 ---
As my book for Advent, I've picked up Pope Benedict's The Infancy Narratives, the third installment in his Jesus of Nazareth series.  He's very insightful, you'd think he'd been studying & reflecting on the Scriptures his whole life.  Whereas the first Jesus of Nazareth book was a little more of a thick read, this is easier without being any less substantial.   
The Dodgers made a flurry of deals this week, and only time will tell how good they were.  Still, it looks like we're off to a great start in the offseason.  They signed a fourth starting pitcher, and traded for a better catcher, a new second baseman, and a better shortstop.  People around the league say that the Dodgers have a very gifted front office--I trust them more than previous regimes.  
Yeah, can't think of anything to fill this last one, as usual.  

For more Quick Takes, visit


  1. I loved your reflections on the Advent preface and I think many future priests could benefit from them. Perhaps a guest lecturer gig at the seminary?
    I am so glad you have ornaments on your tree from your childhood. It certainly makes your Christmas tree more special since you are so far away. Will be checking out the sisters CD. Thanks for the recommendation. We have one of their previous CD's but I think it was for Lent.

    1. Thanks Mom! I'd take any guest lecturer gig. :) The sisters' CD is great! I've played it through a few times already.
