Sunday, April 20, 2014

Christ is Risen!

Treat yourself to a great song by Matt Maher, perfect for today.

I'm in the choir and I've sung at the Easter Vigil for the past few years.  It quickly become my favorite liturgy of the year, despite its length.

I've come to appreciate all the readings and psalms, to the point that I'm disappointed when the nine readings are cut to five.  They combine the major prayers of the liturgy to chronicle the entire scope of salvation history--from the beginning of time to the end of time.  The first reading is the creation of the world from Genesis; we hear the story of the Exodus, of God saving his people through water; the prophets foretell a Messiah that will come; the Gospel tells of Jesus, who fulfilled the prophecies and foreshadowings of the Old Testament.  Quite amazing!  It's essentially an extended Bible study in one evening: the Paschal Mystery (the foundational event of the Catholic faith) with its background and history.

The other impactful thing for me this year was the renewal of baptismal promises.  In the lone epistle of the evening (from Romans 6), St. Paul reminds us that we must think of ourselves "as being dead to sin and living for God in Christ Jesus."  Denying sin is only one side of the coin; it is incomplete without a profession of faith.  The renewal of baptismal promises have this same feature: the assembly rejects Satan, all his empty works and promises (a profession against), but then affirms their belief in God, His Son, and the rest of the elements of the creed (a profession in).

The entire story of salvation history is a story of love and of sacred covenants between God and His people.  May we always be faithful!  God be praised for the great things He has done, and continues to do!

1 comment:

  1. Great post, John. The Holy Saturday readings are magnificent. Thank you for the succinct summary. I bet you have sparked an interest in many.
