Sunday, May 4, 2014

7 Quick Takes: Jen has a new book edition, 5/4/14

Last weekend I bought my copy of Jennifer Fulwiler's new book, Something Other Than God.  You can get yours at your local Catholic bookstore (like this one!) or here.  I blew through it in about a week, and I could've finished it sooner if I could've stayed home from work a day or two.  My goal is to write a separate post about my impressions of the book... who can resist being entered into a special prize drawing?  In brief (as our friend the CCC would say), it's a great book and worth a read.  I love conversion stories and this is another good one to add to the list!
If the author saw the surroundings of her book,
I think she would be appreciative... 

I've written about homilies before, although I can't remember if I've ever put links of good ones that are online.  Today's winner: one of my old seminary friends, Fr. Nathan Siray.  He's a priest in Canada somewhere and he teamed up with two fellow priests to put a blog together.  I think they write on it more than twice a month... unlike yours truly.   All three priests post their homilies there; Fr. Nathan's was especially good today.  Check it out!  

Today is May 4th, a.k.a. Star Wars day.  May the Force be with you!  (and with your spirit)  I grew up on those movies as a kid, and like everyone with good taste, disliked the prequel trilogy.  Quick thoughts with token hashtags: 
-Han shot first.  #badass 
-A lot of SW fans hate the ewoks and Return of the Jedi, but I was 4 years old when the movie came out.  I loved the ewoks!  I still hate the part where the ewok gets shot and sad music plays.  #scarred #howoldamiagain
-A great cast, they had.  Luke and Han as heroes, Princess Leia (#first love) holding her own until crummy writing in ROTJ set her back...  
-Must-see: George Lucas In Love (it's online somewhere, not sure legally, but it's available), the 2 Robot Chicken episodes, Fanboys, and R2-D2 Under the Dome

The feast of St. Athanasius was on Friday, May 2nd.  Read up on him here.  When I see his name pop up in the liturgical calendar, or when someone names their baby after him (no, just kidding; no offense, St. A), I can't help but think of Bl. John Henry Newman.  Newman looked up to St. Athanasius for his commitment to the Catholic faith and to his perseverance through suffering.  We extol St. A today, and it's easy to think of him in heaven, adoring the Lord he so stoutly defended during his life.  Let's also remember that he was persecuted and exiled; so too was John Henry Newman, in persecution, at least.  Part of what made them such great men was their perseverance in the truth, no matter the suffering.    

We have two new pope saints!!!  I was happy I got to see St. John Paul II in person, at a weekly audience and at a canonization.  How long until we can call him St. John Paul the Great?

Mother's Day is coming up next weekend; thanks be to God for my mom and all mothers!  I've mentioned the topic of infertility on this blog before, and I'd like to add something to it.  Besides Christmas, there's no more difficult holiday for an infertile couple to deal with than Mother's Day.  Please, right now, say a quick prayer for all couples in that situation.  

Occasionally, I get to do professional things that I'm passionate about.  Usually, they don't have anything to do with my job.  I attended a Board member retreat for the Fr. Bernard Youth Center on Friday.  A 5-hour session and it didn't feel nearly that long.  I never got bored, antsy, sleepy; I never checked the clock.  What a nice change of pace!  Need a good charity to support?  Check out FBYC!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. I have a friend who is unable to conceive. Thank you for the reminder to keep childless couples in our prayers. It is an invisible form of suffering that many people do not see, recognize or value.

    1. Thanks for your comment, I couldn't agree more! I hope your friend has success soon.
