Saturday, October 4, 2014

7QT: Lazy blogger edition, 10/4/14

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Onto a new book!  Romano Guardini's The Lord.  I'll be putting up discussion posts if anyone has the book and is interested.  We're only on ch. 2 so far!  I remember reading bits and pieces of this book for one of my classes.  I was amazed at the depth of it... so much so that I bought copies as presents for a couple people.  And now, 10 years after I read those bits and pieces, I'm finally getting around to reading the whole thing (hopefully).  

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I've also finally finished reading through the Gospel of Matthew, chapter by chapter.  I'd really recommend the commentary that I used: The Better Part by Fr. John Bartunek.  It's meant to assist in lectio divina but I mainly used it as a commentary.    

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Speaking of great resources, did you know Scott Hahn has a website that has free Bible study resources?  Check out  I just started listening to the one on Matthew's gospel.  Very cool so far!

Fall is here, and the cooler weather is a welcome reprieve from the hot sun.  Hot sun by Oregonian standards is anything over 80, I believe.  I love fall weather but I'm not looking forward to months and months of rain.    

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New special saint in our lives: St. Leo the Great.  Pope in the 400s and a major influence on the Council of Chalcedon.  Pretty awesome pastor in a turbulent time: heresies like monophysitism and manichaeism.  Check out his famous Tome on the person of Christ.  In a related note, our baby Leo is due in three short months!  Can't wait!
The Dodgers have no postseason gear, unlike their new nemesis, the Cardinals.  Makes me very sad... and wishing they'd start chopping the payroll down.  

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I can never think of a final QT.  Consistency, right? 

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. It's nice to have men doing the Quick Takes! I'm marking my blog for your discussion notes. I didn't realize Hahn had recordings...will check it out!

    1. Thanks Jennifer! The resources on Scott Hahn's website are very worth checking out. Under the Audio Courses link (in the Studies drop-down), they have a series on Matthew, Mark, Luke, Romans, Corinthians, and a few other themed ones. Always nice to find something of that quality that's free!
